South Coast Electrical Solutions
Check your smoke alarms work
South Coast Electrical Solutions


Checking your Smoke Alarm is important.

Smoke alarms are one of the most important piece’s of safety equipment that you have in your home.

Having working smoke alarms is a responsibility that we can’t afford to ignore. The consequences of ignorance can be catastrophic. It’s really easy to have the smoke detectors tested. Even you might be able to check the alarm yourself in a matter of minutes.


Smoke detectors are one of the most important piece’s of safety equipment that you have in the home (along with safety switches). However, sadly, each year people still die in house fires. They die because their smoke detectors didn’t go off. This could be due to flat batteries or someone has removed the batteries because the alarm kept giving a false alarm. Somebody may have even removed their alarms and intended to have them replaced and have forgotten.


How long does a smoke alarm last?

Smoke alarms have a ten year shelf life. Replace smoke alarms before the expiry date. We recommend hard wired smoke alarms to be replaced by yourself or a licensed electrician. Even if they are still working . If the alarm in your home is over 10 years old, the alarm will need to be replaced.

There should be a ‘replace by date’ sticker on the smoke alarm. It might be on the outside of the unit or sometimes they are located on the inside of the door. Check the expiry date to see when it should be replaced. The maximum life for a smoke detector is 10 years. What happens if there is no sticker or legible date? We recommended to replace the smoke detector or book in with your electrician to have it replaced.


Testing your smoke detectors

Press the test button and the alarm should sound emphatically. Do you have a smoke alarm that is a battery powered alarm? Does the alarm have a weak signal or perhaps it doesn’t sound at all. Change the battery and retest the alarm. If it’s a hardwired alarm and it doesn’t work then contact your electrician immediately, the Hardwired smoke alarms can be installed by a licensed residential electrician.

Make a note to test your smoke alarms

Make a record

After you have checked your smoke detector and it is working. Put a note on your calendar or put a note in your phone. you should record the date of when the alarm was tested. Schedule a re-test every month. Especially if it’s a battery operated unit.

You can’t be guaranteed that your alarm will provide you with a persistent beeping when it’s on the way out.

The smoke alarm needs replacement- What type of smoke alarm should do you recommend?

South Coast Electrical Solutions only install top quality photoelectric Australian Standard smoke alarms. This is to comply with NSW legislation. We will issue a certificate of compliance for the alarms in your property.

Photoelectric smoke alarms are what our electricians recommend. We do not recommend Ionisation smoke alarms. The Ionisation alarms are not as effective at detecting fires that are slow smouldering. If there is a slow smouldering fire, they are the ones that are undetected are generally the leading cause of deaths due to fires in homes. Photoelectric sensors detect the types of fires that smoulder for hours before bursting into flames.

Smoke alarms installation

For smoke alarm maintenance in Batemans Bay, contact South Coast Electrical Solutions

Our Electricians service the following areas:

  • Batehaven
  • Batemans Bay
  • Broulee
  • Catalina
  • Denhams Beach
  • Guerilla Bay
  • Lilli Pilli
  • Long Beach
  • Maloneys Beach
  • Malua Bay
  • Mossy Point
  • Nelligen
  • Rosedale
  • Sunshine Bay
  • Surf Beach
  • Surfside