South Coast Electrical Solutions
Feature sculpture at Batemans Bay
South Coast Electrical Solutions


Buoyansea Sculpture at Batemans Bay


The first Sculpture on Clyde event is being held this week on the beautiful Clyde river in Batemans Bay. The unveiling of the sculpture “Buoyansea” was opened by Mayor Liz Innes on 25th August and South Coast Electrical Solutions are proud to be one of the main sponsors of the sculpture.
The sculpture sits beside the Clyde River on Beach Road Batemans Bay, just up from the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club, and will remain in this position as a permanent attraction. It is the first of many permanent sculptures that will be displayed in Batemans Bay over the coming years.
At the opening, the artist, Jesse Graham from Eden, explained how he came to create the piece from a buoy that washed up the creek after a major flood. The piece is made from that buoy and he has made it to look like an upside down octopus. The sculpture stands over 6ft in height and has one of the best positions in Batemans Bay with the Clyde River as its back drop.
After the unveiling of the “Buoyansea” sculpture, prizes and awards were presented to sculptors that entered the Sculpture on Clyde competition.
71 art pieces are on display this week, 25th August to 3rd September, on the Clyde River foreshore, Clyde Street, Batemans Bay. Many of the art pieces are available to purchase from the artists.
Well worth a visit. As the presenter of the main award, Sculpture on Clyde Patron, Terry Snow said, Batemans Bay is a place where people will come to cleanse their soul. For more information on the event visit their website or Facebook page, links below.


Pictured with the “Buoyansea” Sculpture some of the local sponsors.

Bouyansea Sculpture Unveiling

Jesse Graham and Mayor Liz Innes cutting the ribbon.

At the Sculpture on Clyde Event 25th August 2017

Bouyansea Sculpture cutting the ribbon